Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Beach

The Beach... It was amazing this year! the beach is beautiful.I love this place

sweet memories!!

With it's long palm trees and it's soft sand, you could call this

"Heaven On Earth"

crashing waves

and the blue,blue skys.

I know this looks freaky, but it's just jake...buried!!! ha ha ha. have fun getting out!

I also went to disneyland, with troy and kristen. here is a picture of me with jesse

(on toy story)

and goofie

and me also infront of the castle!!

that was a fun day!! and guess what?!


talk about SCARY, and FUN!!!

Aus found a starfish, well stepped on a starfish.

ha ha ha.

Bray tried to catch a bird, and he did!!! he got it by the foot!!

Isn't that beautiful???!!

It all went by so fast

I'm going to miss the waves lapping at your feet

the sun beating down on your neck

the harbor

the pier.

everything about the beach

It was an awesome year. I can't wait for next year....(aren't those pretty?)

I wish everyday was like...

The Beach.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

school year...

well, school has already started!!!! and I love it..... I think this will be a great year!!

I have a really great teacher. I think she is totally awesome. she is always happy! That is what I love the most. GO MRS. CASPERSON!!!

Walking to school!! the first day...that was a awesome day!

Me and my friends. just waiting for that bell.....

oh, and don't forget, Aus and his friends!!

this is my bestest friend whitney!! she is an awesome friend...thx, whit.

That was a very fun and cool day.

I think 5th grade will be my favorite!!!(so far. he he)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

summer memories....

well, the summer is almost over. so, i'm going to share some special moments that happend this summer.

A wonderful 4th of july with claire bear!! miss you claire.

Me, Aus, Jake and Dad went to kirtland ohio to see our grandma and grandpa.(they're on a mission there)

some one is now wearing undies!!!

I had my champion ship swim meet at fairmont aqautic center.

(my mom will tell you about that on her blog)

we went to niagara falls!!

talk about AMAZING!!

we had my dads birthday!!! and brookes of course!!

happy birthday!!

and my mommy's birthday!!!! that was special too!!

we got 2 goldfish. the orange one is nemo and the gold one is lucky!!!

i went hiking with claire, gracie, and carson. uncle bear, angela, brett, troy, and my dad came too.

there are still a lot more special memories but i think this is enough!! TIME FOR SCHOOL TO START!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


on saturday i had a swim meet! it was at crestwood pool. here are some pictures. and someone special came to watch. i'll tell you who AMBER!! amber was nice and came to watch me. thx amber.
just finished 25 freestyle!! and guess what i got!!! 1st place baby!!!

mom and dad supporting me!!!

thanks guys!!! love ya!

waiting for 25 backstroke.

It's time!! oh no oh no!! ....WHAT??!! i can still be nervous.

okay, im racing right now and i end up in 2nd.

pretty good...i guess.

waiting for 50 freestyle!! while im waiting i get bored and start to brag.

first and second! yeah!!

its time. AGAIN. and i am you better be scared!

waiting for the buzzer!!

BEEP!!! it goes off, we take off.

i did it!! yep, first place again. so i got first,second and first!! yay me!!


Monday, July 27, 2009

~Layla Love~

I'm doing a post about my little girl Layla.

I love her so much. i'll tell you some things she is.



i'm joking. We watch a show called Austin Stevens: Snake master, and he caught a horn devil

she is sleepy.

she's a little tied up....

I love how she takes a bath.

She hunts bugs too.

she has a ant under her paw.

i love her so much. so no one can put a paw on my little girl.


Layla: thats all for now folks.