Thursday, August 6, 2009


on saturday i had a swim meet! it was at crestwood pool. here are some pictures. and someone special came to watch. i'll tell you who AMBER!! amber was nice and came to watch me. thx amber.
just finished 25 freestyle!! and guess what i got!!! 1st place baby!!!

mom and dad supporting me!!!

thanks guys!!! love ya!

waiting for 25 backstroke.

It's time!! oh no oh no!! ....WHAT??!! i can still be nervous.

okay, im racing right now and i end up in 2nd.

pretty good...i guess.

waiting for 50 freestyle!! while im waiting i get bored and start to brag.

first and second! yeah!!

its time. AGAIN. and i am you better be scared!

waiting for the buzzer!!

BEEP!!! it goes off, we take off.

i did it!! yep, first place again. so i got first,second and first!! yay me!!



  1. Hey thanks for posting. It looks like from the pics that you won your events by a lot! Way to go. I am glad that you are enjoying it and that you are good at it. Its fun to race in a different way isn't it. Most people think that races are on land but you are proving different!!
    p.s. Claire told me that she had so much fun playing with you and that you will always be in her thoughts when she goes home to Germany!

  2. Ash- you are awesome! I was so proud of you, you do rock! I hope you stay with swimming and there will be many more first places for you. I am so glad you live close, we love you.

  3. Good Job ASH! i guess it's a little late, but anyways, I have a blog but i need a unique title for it! Before it was: Savannah's Life :). How lame is that? i need something clever! Hm......

  4. oh, awesome!! i want to check that out!!!
    i bet your blog is awesome savannah.
