Monday, April 13, 2009

happy easter

yesterday it was easter. where you get to look for eggs filled with candy. or just candy. either way would work!!
it's fun to have easter egg hunts in your front yard and back yard.

i had easter with my grandma penny and grandpa harold. thankyou grandma and grandpa for letting us share that special day with you.

this easter was fun. but the most important thing about it it is......jesus' reserection.

we celabrate easter for jesus' reserection. and i think that is very very special in deed.


  1. Ashlyn!!

    Me and dad were so sad to miss Easter but we knew it would be so special to spend it down at the mission home in Provo with gma and gpa. Gma loved showing you what she does every day...missionaries, dinners, interviews..! She said you were such a great help with Mason (even changing his poops!) and helping with the boys.

    I am so glad the Easter Bunny came to Provo. I saw the pics of you all finding the eggs and candy, how fun. (and I loved the pics of all of you at the Provo Temple cool you saw all those missionaries!)

    thx girl and I am so lucky to be able to count on you.... love ya xoxo Mom

  2. thanks mom. i wish you could have been there on easter. but i still liked it with grandma. it was awesome. thanks grandma. love you guys.

  3. I'm glad you had fun with Grandma and Grandpa this year! Aren't you lucky to have such a big family to always count on when your Mom and Dad can't be there? We are all so lucky.

    Easter is about Jesus' resurrection (you are right). And it is the most important. Thanks for reminding me of that.

  4. That was such a great post, Ashes, I'm glad you had fun but also remembered what Easter is really all about, too - Jesus. :)


  5. Ashes, i love your post. i will always remember the special Easter that we got to spend with you and your brothers. it was so fun for me and brought back memories of when your Mom and her brothers and sisters were little. We had lots of fun searching for the candy and even months later, some would show up. But the best part is to always remember how much Jesus and Heavenly Father love us.I hope that we can have another sleep over, hopefully, soon at the "mountain house".
